
Chesterfield Homeschool Sports

Is dedicated to teaching basic skills, teamwork and good sportsmanship while having fun, making new friends and getting a little fresh air and exercise.
CHS offers coed soccer in the fall and coed softball in the spring. We have teams with ages ranging from 5 to 18.

We are not extremely competitive and we stress equal play. We do enjoy winning but most importantly we encourage a Christian attitude and good sportsmanship.

All parents are expected to volunteer in one way or another. This could be by coaching, team mom/dad, helper, photographer, score keeper, watch other parents young children while they coach, end of year ceremony and trophies.


Where:Rockwood Park

When:Starts March 15th on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00-3:30

Who: Boys and Girls ages 5-18

Register Now!!
Go to CHSports main website for more information.